Halloween is upon us once again! We hope you have a safe and happy Halloween, whatever your plans have in store for you, whether it's a costume party, taking the kids trick-or-treating, or having a scary movie marathon at home.
Here are some fun facts about Halloween to impress your friends and co-workers on Oct 31.
- The first jack-o-lanterns were not carved out of pumpkins, but out of turnips.
- Scared of Halloween? Then you have Samhainophobia.
- The world record holder for the largest pumpkin ever measured, Norm Craven, had an 836lb pumpkin. Now that's a lot of pumpkin seeds (and pie!)
- In Scotland, girls used to believe they could see images of their future husband if they hung wet sheets in front of the fire on Halloween. Other girls believed they would see their boyfriend’s faces if they looked into mirrors while walking downstairs at midnight on Halloween. Both sound like hazardous things to do, so we don't recommend trying them!
- Ever see someone wearing their clothes inside out and walking backwards on Halloween? They may be aiming to see a witch at midnight!
- According to a survey in 2010, 11.5% planned on dressing up their pets for Halloween.
Enjoy your Halloween and be safe!